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Making a large wicking bed

Wicking beds are a fantastic invention, allowing crops to be watered more efficiently. Making a large wicking bed does involve a few steps and some preparation, however the benefits of this extra effort are water conservation, improved plant growth and better crops. The design of the wicking bed also provides opportunities ...


Understanding Australian coins

This lesson is about Australian coins, their features, and their value. During the lesson, students explore what Australian coins look like, their value and their purpose. They identify and describe the features and value of Australian coins and make simple calculations using coins.


Repeating and growing patterns: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Repeating and growing patterns. Students continue to appreciate and observe how patterns are present throughout mathematics. They recognise, describe and create additive patterns that grow or shrink by a constant amount. They also identify missing elements in pattern sequences.


First to finish

Compare algorithms designed to complete the same task, and evaluate each for efficiency.


Fractions: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Fractions. Students are extending their knowledge and understanding of the meaning of half to include equivalent fractions (e.g. 2 quarters and 4 eighths).


Time and duration (read time): Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Time and duration: Read time. Students develop their understanding that different lengths of time have different names and that each time duration has a different standard unit of measure such as, hour, day, month and year.


Acquire, record and represent data: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Acquire, record and represent data. Students review, consolidate and extend upon existing data understandings and skills. They collect data through surveys, observations and experiments. They explore and create different graphical representations of the data acquired. ...


Measures of turn (angles): Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Measures of turn (angles). Students develop their understanding of an angle as a measure of turn.


Patterns and number facts: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Patterns and number facts. Students consolidate their knowledge of number facts up to 20 and are encouraged to practise these to aid recall. They learn number facts for addition and subtraction up to 20, becoming familiar with the different combinations. Students recall ...


Shapes and objects: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Shapes and objects. Students develop their reasoning when comparing and classifying shapes by their attributes. They develop the spatial language to describe shapes.


Out and about

Students interpret simple maps and identify the relative positions of key features.


First steps in mathematics: Space

This guide supports teachers to develop students’ geometric understandings.


First steps in mathematics: Number – Book 2

The content of this book is organised into topics including understanding operations, calculating, and reasoning about number patterns.


The school delivery

Use this task to assess language the student uses to describe position, direction and pathways in familiar environments.


First steps in mathematics: Measurement – Book 2

A guide to teaching about measurement including indirect measuring, and estimating.


First steps in mathematics: Number – Book 1

The content of this book is organised into topics including understanding whole and decimal numbers, and understanding fractional numbers.



Students collect simple data from questions asked and display simple data in a picture graph or column graph.


Which is the longest?

Students compare and order several shapes and objects based on length, area, volume and capacity using appropriate uniform informal units.


Tracking triangles

Students identify a variety of three-sided shapes and describe the features of all triangles.


First steps in mathematics: Chance and data

This guide supports teachers to develop students’ understanding, skills and processes related to probability and statistics.